Abg Syahmi.Live In Taiping,Perak. Always Smile,Baik,Handsome la jugak.
Akq Syahira.Live In Melaka. Grunge, Love To Smile,Funny,Cute,
Abg Amir.Live In Seremban. Hansome,Nerd,Love To Read,Smart
Abg Zafran.Live In Kota Bharu.Handsome,Cool,Love Music(I Guess),Tall,Funny
Abg Amirul.Live In Seremban.Handsome,Funny,Good In Religion,Carring And I Miss Him When He School At SMKA Shams
Abg Syameer.Live in Seremban.Handsome,Funny,Jiwang.
Abg Putra.Live in Ipoh,Perak.Handsome,Funny,Like 2 ask,kuat tacink(rse nye)
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